Urban Rewilding Workshop: Findings Published

Urban Rewilding Workshop: Findings Published

The brief presents findings from the Urban Rewilding Workshop for policy staff from UK environmental agencies and organisations which ran at the DAB on the 6th July 2022. Participants included policy staff from London Wildlife Trust, DEFRA, Woodland Trust, RSPB and Utrecht Municipality. Those participants achieved consensus around ten principles for Urban Rewilding, through discussing examples and issues from a critical perspective.

Urban rewilding offers solutions at multiple scales for nature recovery. In particular, urban rewilding solutions may be deployed within Local Nature Recovery Strategies, the Nature Recovery Network and National Park Cities, and towards Biodiversity Net Gain and Net Zero by 2050. It is distinct from other urban conservation approaches in its principles, fostering reduced ecological intervention with increased public engagement. Urban rewilding requires a reduction in intensity of active management regimes in urban areas and inclusion of nature at small scales at a national strategic level.

After a closed workshop, researchers and practitioners from the University of Cambridge and international organisations presented relevant aspects of their research to a broader audience of academics and conservation practitioners during which workshop participants formed an expert panel. The brief incorporates findings from the workshop but does not directly represent participant’s views.

You can read their findings here:
Urban Rewilding Policy Brief

Photo Credit: Greg Trowman on Unsplash