Collaborative Initiative on Nature Finance
Image - Sophie Busch
There are many emerging opportunities for private sector and business investment in nature and people, as well as opportunities to ensure that business and financial practice in a wide range of sectors is ‘nature positive’. CCI partners and collaborations bring expertise that can help inform those wishing to invest or to support such investments, to make sure that they are genuinely effective. This includes guidance on:
- What are the most pressing biodiversity conservation and restoration challenges, and where are the most pressing issues and places that need investment;
- What good conservation and restoration look like, and how evidence from multiple sources can support it;
- How to ensure that local communities and indigenous people are included, and their rights and livelihoods respected;
- Which on-the-ground delivery partners are working in particular settings, and the intermediaries and platforms through which investors might identify and connect with them;
- Particular accreditation and benchmarking schemes for biodiversity and carbon, and the different assumptions and implications underlying these;
- Methodologies and technologies for verification, accreditation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of interventions;
- The tensions and trade-offs, and sources of questioning, that those supporting private sector investments for nature might face, as they encounter different perspectives from, for instance, regulatory authorities or civil society.
CCI’s Collaborative Initiative on Nature Finance provides a platform for dialogue and learning around such issues, through:
- Workshops, roundtables and dialogues to bring investors together with each other and with conservation experts
- Evidence reviews and analyses
- Novel analyses, tools development, and impact evaluation
- Collaborative projects
- Guidance briefs
- Tools development

Current projects include

Natural Capital Working Group
A gift from the A. G. Leventis Foundation in 2018 enabled the creation of the CCI Natural Capital Hub. The year long project was managed by two CCI partner staff members, one from RSPB, and one from Fauna & Flora, who were supported by a Natural Capital Working Group made up of CCI partner representatives. A number of publications arose from the project.

Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) Nature and Finance Initiative
In 2022, CCI teamed up with wealth management firm Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) on their new biodiversity restoration strategy in a unique collaboration between the financial, corporate and conservation sectors.

Nature Action Dialogues - UNEP-WCMC
In July 2024, UNEP-WCMC brought together 175 private sector stakeholders and nature experts at a 2-day Nature Action Dialogues event. The dialogues championed multi-sector collaboration through interactive discussions under the event’s theme “The Road to CBD COP-16: Scaling private sector action in support of global goals”.

Investing in Natural Capital Conference
Convened by Cambridge Judge Business School, in collaboration with Manulife Investment Management, this event was attended by senior investment decision makers from some of the largest institutional asset owners. Delegates were inspired to develop a collective vision of intergenerational stewardship by exploring the practicalities of investing in natural capital and embedding nature into investment opportunities.

Unlocking Funding to Restoration
Over the next three years, supported by CCI's Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme, the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), BirdLife International and the RSPB will bring together key stakeholders from relevant sectors, including international and local non-governmental organisations, restoration practitioners, policymakers, as well as representatives from the conservation, restoration and finance sectors. Through dialogue and consultations, the Convening for Restoration project will identify solutions to overcome barriers to large-scale ecosystem restoration.

Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C)
The Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits is an interdisciplinary group founded in 2021 that is run across the Department of Computer Science, Zoology and Plant Sciences. It is housed in the Conservation Research Institute in the David Attenborough Building. The team are building a trusted, decentralised marketplace where purchasers of carbon credits can confidently and directly fund trusted nature-based projects.