Andreas Kontoleon is Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy at the University of Cambridge and Director of Studies, Trinity College. He holds a PhD in Economics (University College London), a MPhil Economics (University of Cambridge) and a BA in Economics and Philosophy (Athens). Professor Kontoleon’s research areas include environmental economics and regulation, micro-econometrics, applied welfare economics, policy evaluation and experimental economics, law and economics and methodological issues in economics. He has mostly worked in the fields of biodiversity, climate change, energy, food security, public health and poverty alleviation. He is co-moderator of BIEOCON, the largest academic network on the economics of biodiversity conservation. He has published on various topics including the value of wildlife species and habitat, the economic evaluation of land use policies in developing countries, the economics of GM foods, as well as papers on conceptual issues from the fields of welfare economics and law and economics issues. His more recent research focuses on using formal policy evaluating techniques (including randomized controlled trails and behavioural experiments), remote sensing data and social network data to assess conservation, livelihood aid, climate change and health policies in developing countries.
For more information see: Professor Andreas Kontoleon